Accepted (In Press)
156. S. Yazar, S. Onar, E.M. Ozkan, K. Hila, A Novel Study On Intuitionistic Fuzzy 2-Absorbing Primary Ideals of A Lattice, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING, In Press (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
155. M. Bolat, E. Kaya, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, r-subhypermodules over Krasner hypermodules, CARPATHIAN MATHEMATICAL PUBLICATION, In Press. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
154. N. Rehman, A. Ali, K. Hila, A. Aslam, Application of multigranulation (IO,O)-fuzzy rough sets in emergency decision making under (β,δ)-fuzzy similarity environment, SOFT COMPUTING, In Press (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
153. Z. Ali, H. Bibi, K. Hila, Fraud Detection and Financial Analysis Based on Dombi Aggregation Operators for Neutrosophic Fuzzy Rough Information and Their Applications, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING, In Press (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
152. A. Naço, A. Peposhi, K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, On an algebra of fuzzy m-ary semihypergroups, ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA -MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SERIES, In Press. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
151. S.A. Khan, M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, A. Raza, Some certain characterizations of Γ-semihypergroups by soft generalized Γ-hyperideals, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND INFORMATICS, In Press. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
150. M. Khan, S. Khan, M. Zeeshan, K. Hila, S. Anis. Cubic soft matrices with some new operations and applications, NEW MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL COMPUTATION, In Press (ESCI, SCOPUS)
149. R. Sema, A. Naco, K. Hila, On completely inverse AG**-Groupoids, KYUNGPOOK JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, In Press (ESCI, SCOPUS)
148. Md. Salim, D. Sinha, K. Hila, On quasi-ternary-hyperideals and bi-ternary-hyperideals in ternary hypersemirings, BOLETIM DA SOCIEDADE PARANAENSE DE MATEMATICA (BSPM), (3s.) v. 2025 (43): 1–12. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
147. S. Ostadhadi-Dehkordi, K. Hila, On quotient canonical (m,n)-ary hypermodules, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 32 (2025), No. 1, 129-142. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
146. S. Anis, M. Khan, M. Mazhar, M. Naveed, K. Hila, Complex fuzzy dynamical graphs and their applications in signals processing, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. Vol. 23 (2025), Article 9, 26 pp. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
145. Z. Ali, K. Hila, Disturbance Observer-Based Control (DOBC): WASPAS Method and Aczel-Alsina Power Aggregation Operators for Fuzzy 2-Tuple Linguistic Neural Networks, COGNITIVE COMPUTATION, Vol. 17 (2025), article 30. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
144. M. Farooq, M. Izhar, A. Khan, K. Hila, Hesitant fuzzy hyperideals of ordered semihypergroups, ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA -MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SERIES, Vol. 51 (2024), No. 2, 416-429. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
143. M.J. Nikmehr, R. Nikandish, A. Yassine, K. Hila, S. Hoskova-Mayerova, A generalization of n-ary prime subhypermodule, ANALELE STIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITATII OVIDIUS CONSTANTA, SERIA MATEMATICA, Vol. 32(3),2024, 103-123 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
142. Sh. Ali, M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, S.A. Khan, Characterizations of CQ-Hyperideals in Semihypergroups, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA, Vol. 35 (2024), article number 74 (ESCI, SCOPUS)
141. T. Sajjad, M. Izhar, A. Khan, K. Hila, On info-soft quasi-Γ-ideals of an ordered Γ-semigroup, FILOMAT, 38:13 (2024), 4511–4528 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
140. E. Kaya, M. Bolat, B.A. Ersoy, S. Onar, K. Hila, B. Davvaz, 𝞭-primary subhypermodules on Krasner hyperrings, CATEGORIES AND GENERAL ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 21 (2024), No. 1, 153-174. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
139. S. Vougioukli, K. Hila, T. Vougiouklis, Helix-hyperproduct on n × (n + 1) matrices, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC HYPERSTRUCTURES AND LOGICAL ALGEBRAS, Vol. 5 (2024), No. 2,, 61-71.
138. M. A. Ansari, N. Rehman, A. Ali, K. Hila, T. Mubeen, Local soft rough approximations and their applications to conflict analysis problems, KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 66(2024), 4063-4092 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
137. K. Hila, R.M. Santilli, T. Vougiouklis, Lie-Santilli admissible hyper-structures, from numbers to Hv-nmbers, RATIO MATHEMATICA Vol. 52 (2024), 176-187.
136. T. Myftiu (Budlla), K. Hila, K. Naka, Note on decomposition of ordered semigroups, THE NORTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS, Vol. 10 (2024), 15-19.
135. M.D. Zia, F. Yousafzai, S. Abdullah, K. Hila, Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Sets and their applications in Multi-Attribute Decision Making, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 132 (2024) 107953 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
134. A. Ali, N. Rehman, M. Ali, K. Hila, A novel approach to three way decision model under fuzzy soft dominance degree relations and emergency situation, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 239 (2024) 122369 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
133. C. Park, N. Rehman, A. Ali, R.A. Alahmadi, M.M. Khalaf, K. Hila, A new class of fuzzy implications derived from non associative structures, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 45(2023), 4949-4977 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
132. S.A. Khan, M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila and A. F. Talee, A study of soft hyperideals in right regular LA-semihypergroups, ASIAN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Vol. 16 (2023), No. 8, 2350141 (20 pages). (ESCI, SCOPUS).
131. S. Yavuz, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, B. Davvaz, K. Hila, Intuitionistic Complex Fuzzy Hv-subgroups, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 41 (2023), No. 1-2, 141-167. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION). .
130. M.Y. Abbasi, S.A. Khan, K. Hila, A. Raza, Soft hyperideals and soft hyperfilters in *-ternary semihypergroups, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 41(2023), No. 1-1, 169-186. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
129. S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, B. Davvaz, T-fuzzy subhypernear-modules, FUZZY INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING 15(2) (2023), 162-182. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
128. S. Onar, E.M. Ozkan, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, 2-absorbing δ-primary intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of commutative rings, NEW MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL COMPUTATION, Vol. 19 (2023), no. 1, 87-104 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
127. S. Onar, K. Hila, S. Etemad, A. Akgul, M. De La Sen, Sh. Rezapour, 2-absorbing vague weakly completely Γ-ideals in Γ-rings, SYMMETRY 2023, 15(3), 740 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
126. N. Rehman, A. Ali, K. Hila, Generalized fuzzy rough sets based on (β,δ)- fuzzy similarity relation and their application to emergency management, JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING 14(2023), 4127–4155 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
125. R. Sema, P. Petro, K. Hila, The characteristic of the minimal ideals and the minimal generalized ideals in rings, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, Volume 2023, Article ID 6478767, 5 pages (ESCI, SCOPUS).
124. M. Khan, G. Haidar, F. Yousafzai, T. Asif, K. Hila, A. Khan, Constant Time Calculation of Metric Dimension of Join of Path Graphs, SYMMETRY 2023, 15(3), 708 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
123. H. Guan, F. Yousafzai, M.D. Zia, M.I. Khan, M. Irfan, K. Hila, Complex linear Diophantine fuzzy sets over AG-groupoids with applications in civil engineering, SYMMETRY 2023, 15(1), 74 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
122. P. Xu, M. Bolat, E. Kaya, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, δ-r-hyperideals and ϕ-δ-r-hyperideals of commutative hyperrings, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESTONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 72(2023), no. 1, 96–103 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
121. S. Onar, S. Yavuz, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, Intuitionistic fuzzy 2-absorbing semiprimary ideals of commutative rings, JOURNAL OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES & CRYPTOGRAPHY 25 (2022), no. 8, 2353-2368 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
120. M. Izhar, T. Mahmood, A. Khan, M. Farooq, K. Hila, Double-framed soft set theory applied to Abel Grassmann's hypergroupoids, NEW MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL COMPUTATION Vol. 18 (2022), no. 3, 819-841. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
119. S. Onar, R. Sema, K. Hila, 2-absorbing primary vague weakly completely ideals, ACTA MATHEMATICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE Vol. 91 (2022), no. 4, 313-324. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
118. K. Haxhi, T. Myftiu, K. Hila, Some study on the topological structure on semigroups, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS IN MATHEMATICS, 21 (2022), 779-784. (SCOPUS)
117. Zh. Kou, M. Gheisari, K. Hila, N. Abbasizadeh Some aspects of hyperatom elements in ordered semihyperrings, SYMMETRY 2022; 14(11): 2265. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
116. Y. Sarala, P. Seetha Mani, K. Hila, G. Jaya Lalitha, Semipseudosymmetric hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups, ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SERIES 49(2), 2022, 338–347. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
115. Sh. Kanwal, F. Hussain, K. Hila, Javeria, M.S.A. Khan, Near BE-semigroups, ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 48(2022), 100-108 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
114. M. Izhar, A. Khan, M. Farooq, K. Hila, (M,N)-Double-framed soft bi-ideals of Abel Grassmann’s groupoids, DISCUSSIONES MATHEMATICAE - GENERAL ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS 42(2022), 425-448. (SCOPUS).
113. A.F. Talee, M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, S.A. Khan, A new approach towards int-soft hyperideals in ordered ternary semihypergroups, JOURNAL OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES & CRYPTOGRAPHY Vol. 25 (2022), no. 5, 1239-1259. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
112. M.S.A. Khan, S. Abdullah, K. Hila, On the generalization of interval valued -fuzzy bi-ideals in ordered semigroups, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND INFORMATICS Vol. 17 (2022), no. 2, 109-137. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
111. M. Farooq, M. Izhar, A. Khan, K. Hila, A study of (α,β)-fuzzy hyperfilters of ordered semihypergroups, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING Vol. 39(2022), no. 2-4, 183-199. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
110. H. Guan, E. Kaya, M. Bolat, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, 𝟇‑𝞭-primary hyperideals in Krasner hyperrings, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, volume 2022, Article ID 1192684, 12 pages, 2022. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
109. P. Xu, M. Bolat, E. Kaya, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, r-hyperideals and generalizations of r-hyperideals in Krasner hyperrings, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, Volume 2022, Article ID 7862425, 10 pages (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
108. O. Zaçaj, E. Beliu (Llagami), E. Raço, K. Haxhi, K. Hila; Comparative approach of tracking COVID-19 in Balkan countries using interactive web-based dashboard", INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Volume 2022, Article ID 8627956, 6 pages (SCOPUS).
107. E. Beliu, E. Raço, K. Haxhi, O. Zaçaj, K. Hila, Two Statistical Methods to Analyze the Role of CHA2DS2VASc Score in Patients with STEMI, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS. Vol. 21 (2022), 461-467 (SCOPUS).
106. O. Zaçaj, E. Raço, K. Haxhi, E. Llagami, K. Hila, Bootstrapping methods for claims reserving: R language approach, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS. Vol. 21 (2022), 252-259 (SCOPUS).
105. D. Sonmez, G. Yesilot, K. Hila, On weakly δR,M-semiprimary submodules, RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO SERIES 2, 71 (2022), 119-130. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
104. M. Gulistan, M. Khan, K. Hila, A study of neutrosophic cubic ideals in semigroups and application, THAI JOURNAL OF MATHEMATCS 20 (2022), no. 1, 257-279. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
103. S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, B. Davvaz, K. Hila, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Hypergroups, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING 38(2022), no. 5-6, 431-465. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
102. S. Ostadhadi-Dehkordi, T. Vougiouklis and K. Hila, H-sets and application on Hv-groups, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS, 10 (2022), no. 1, 79-93. (SCOPUS).
101. Javeria, F. Hussain, Sh. Kanwal, S. Abdullah, K. Hila, Generalized BE-semigroups, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA 33, 21(2022) (ESCI, SCOPUS).
100. S.J. Ansari, K.F. Pawar, K. Hila, On regular and intra-regular Γ-semihypergroups, CREATIVE MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 31(2022), no. 1, 245-259. (SCOPUS).
99. S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, B. Davvaz, K. Hila, Intuitionistic fuzzy multi-polygroups, COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 41, 12(2022). (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
98. S. Suebsung, R. Chinram, W. Yonthanthum, K. Hila, A. Iampan, On almost bi-ideals and almost of ordered semigroups and their fuzzifications, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING, INFORMATION AND CONTROL (ICIC), 16 (2022), no. 2, 127-135. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
97. M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, S.A. Khan and A. F. Talee, A study of generalized quasi-hyperideals in ordered ternary semihypergroups, THAI JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 19 (2021), no. 4, 1585-1599 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
96. A.F. Talee, M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, On int-soft bi-hyperideals in ordered ternary semihypergroups, ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SERIES 48 (2021), no. 2, 234-243 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
95. S. Ostadhadi-Dehkordi, K. Hila, "Operators, fuzzy operators and Pawlak's approximations in operators", AFRIKA MATHEMATIKA 32 (2021), no. 7-8, 1211–1225. (ESCI, SCOPUS).
94. M.S.A. Khan, S. Abdullah, K. Hila, A more general form of interval valued fuzzy filters in ordered semigroups, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA, 32 (2021), no. 7-8, 1435–1455. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
93. N. Rehman, A. Ali, P. Liu, K. Hila, A comprehensive study of upward fuzzy preference relation based fuzzy rough set models: properties and applications in treatment of coronavirus disease, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Vol. 36 (2021), No. 8, 3704-3745. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
92. N. Rehman, A. Ali, K. Hila, Note on tolerance-based intuitionistic fuzzy-rough set approach for attribute reduction, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Vol. 175 (2021), 114869 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
91. A. Zeb, A. Khan, M. Izhar, K. Hila, Aggregation operator of fuzzy bi-polar soft sets and its application in decision making. JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING 36 (2021), no. 6, 569-599 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
90. M.S.A. Khan, S. Abdullah, K. Hila, On the generalization of interval valued (\in ,\in \vee q_{\widetilde{k}})-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals in ordered semigroups, APPLICATIONS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (AAM) Vol. 16 (2021), no. 1, 237-267. (ESCI).
89. Breikhna, F. Hussain, K. Hila, N. Yaqoob, M.T. Rahim, Soft congruence relations over semirings, HONAM MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 43 (2021), No. 1, pp. 1-16. (ESCI).
88. S. Suebsung, W. Yonthanthum, K. Hila, R. Chinram, On almost quasi-hyperideals of semihypergroups, JOURNAL OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES & CRYPTOGRAPHY, Vol. 24 (2021), No. 1, pp. 235–244 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
87. S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, K. Naka, (T; S)-intuitionistic fuzzy hyperideals of Γ-hyperrings, APPLIED MATHEMATICS & INFORMATION SCIENCES, 15 (2021), No. 3, 329-342. (SCOPUS).
86. A.F. Talee, M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, An investigation on int-soft interior hyperideals in ordered ternary semihypergroups, APPLIED MATHEMATICS & INFORMATION SCIENCES, 15 (2021), no. 2, 123-129. (SCOPUS).
85. W. Khan, K. Hila, Fuzzy congruences of non-associative fuzzy hypergroupoids, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 39 (2020), No. 3, 4197-4209. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
84. N. Rehman, A. Ali, K. Hila, Soft dominance based multigranulation decision theoretic rough sets and their applications in conflict problems, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW Vol. 53 (2020), No. 8, 6079-6110. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION),
83. M.Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, S.A. Khan and A.F. Talee, Characterizations of Γ-hyperideals in ordered Γ-semihypergroups by soft sets, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA Vol. 31(2020), 847-867. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
82. A. Ali, N. Rehman, K. Hila, Note on “Fuzzy multi-granulation decision-theoretic rough sets based on fuzzy preference relation”, SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 24(2020), 12357–12360. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
81. M. Khan, S. Anis, K. Hila Semilattice decompositions of locally associative Γ-AG**-groupoids, MATEMATIČKI VESNIK, 72, 3 (2020), 273–280. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
80. F. Yousafzai, M-u-I. Khan, K.P. Shum, K. Hila, Congruences induced by certain relations on AG**-groupoids, UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Vol. 82 (2020), no. 2, 83-100. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
79. K. Naka, K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, “Study of Γ-hyperrings by fuzzy hyperideals with respect to a t-norm ”, ACTA UNIVERSITATIS SAPIENTIAE, MATHEMATICA, Vol. 11(2019), No. 2, 306-331. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
78. S. Abdullah, K. Hila, Sh. Kuka, "Semihypergroups characterized by generalized fuzzy bi-hyperideals”, FUZZY INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING 11 (2019), No. 2, 127–148 (ESCI, SCOPUS).
77. S. Omidi, B. Davvaz, K. Hila, “Characterizations of regular and intra-regular ordered Γ-semihypergroups in terms of bi-Γ-hyperideals”, CARPATHIAN MATHEMATICAL PUBLICATIONS Vol. 11 (2019), no. 1, 136-151. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
76. T. Asif, F. Yousafzai, A. Khan, K. Hila, Ideal theory in ordered AG-groupoids based on double framed soft sets, JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING, 33 (2019), 27–49. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
75. A. Khan, M. Izhar, K. Hila, On algebraic properties of DFS sets and its application in decision making problems, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS, 36 (2019), no. 6, 6265–6281 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
74. A. Ali, M.I. Ali, N. Rehman, K. Hila, Soft ordered approximations and incomplete informations systems, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS, 36 (2019), no. 6, 5653–5667 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
73. A.F. Talee, M.Y. Abbasi, S.A. Khan, K. Hila, “Fuzzy set approach to hyperideal theory of po-ternary semihypergroups”, JOURNAL OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES & CRYPTOGRAPHY, Vol. 22 (2019), No. 3, 411–431. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
72. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, K. Naka, “Study on quasi-Γ-hyperideals in Γ-semihypergroups”, ASIAN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 12 (2019), no. 2, 1950030, 14 pp. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
71. K. Hila, K. Naka, B. Davvaz “On (k,n)-absorbing hyperideals in Krasner (m,n)-hyperrings, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 69 (2018), no. 3, 1035–1046. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
70. F. Yousafzai, A. Ali, Sh. Haq, K. Hila, Non-associative semigroups in terms of semilattices via soft ideals, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS 35 (2018) 4837–4847, (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
69. W. Khan, F. Yousafzai, K. Hila, “Congruences and decompositions of AG**-groupoids”, MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES 19(2) (2018), 931-944. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
68. Sh. Kuka, K. Hila, K. Naka, “Application of L-fuzzy sets in m-ary semigroups”, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS 34(2018), No. 6, 4031-4040. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
67. K. Hila, S. Kar, Sh. Kuka, K. Naka, “Some structure spaces of generalized semirings”, FILOMAT 32 (2018), no. 13, 4461–4472 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
66. M. Izhar, A. Khan, K. Hila, Double-framed soft generalized bi-ideals of intra-regular AG-groupoids, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS 35 (2018) 4701–4715, (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
65. W. Khan, G. Chen, K. Hila, “Sandwich sets and congruences in completely inverse AG** groupoids”, ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 39(2018), 822-838. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
64. S. Onar, S. Yavuz, B.A. Ersoy, K. Hila, “Vague soft modules”, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS 34 (2018), 2597–2609 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
63. N. Yaqoob, M. Gulistan, V. Leoreanu-Fotea, K. Hila, “Cubic hyperideals in LA- semihypergroups”, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS 34 (2018), 2707–2721 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
62. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, M. Aslam, “On fuzzy subsets in Γ-semihypergroup through left operator semihypergroup”, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA, 29 (7) (2018), 1215-1224. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
61. M.Y. Abbasi, A.F. Talee, S.A. Khan, K. Hila, “A hesitant fuzzy set approach to ideal theory in Γ-semigroups”, ADVANCES IN FUZZY SYSTEMS (LONDON), Volume 2018, Article ID 5738024, 6 pages. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
60. V. Amjid, F. Yousafzai, K. Hila, A study of ordered AG-groupoids in terms of semilattices via smallest (fuzzy) ideals, ADVANCES IN FUZZY SYSTEMS(LONDON), Volume 2018, Article ID 8464295, 8 pages. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
59. K. Naka, K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, “The embedding of an ordered semihypergroup in terms of fuzzy sets”, SIGMA JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND NATURAL SCIENCES 9 (1) ( 2018), 17-22. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
58. S. Onar, D. Sonmez, B.A. Ersoy, G. Yesilot and K. Hila, "A study on fuzzy 2-absorbing primary Γ-ideals in Γ-rings", FILOMAT 31(18) (2017), 5753–5767 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
57. K. Hila, K. Naka “Characterizations of hyperrings by fuzzy hyperideals with respect to a t-norm”, FUZZY INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING (ELSEVIER), 9(4) (2017), 437-454. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
56. K. Naka, K. Hila, “Regularity of ternary semihypergroups”, QUASIGROUPS AND RELATED SYSTEMS 25 (2)(2017), 291-306. (SCOPUS)
55. K. Hila, K. Naka, M.K. Dubey, Anuradha, “Ternary semihypergoups in terms of generalized quasi (bi)-hyperideals”, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA 54(3) (2017), 277-297 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
54. N. Yaqoob, M. Aslam, K. Hila, B. Davvaz, “Rough prime bi-Γ-hyperideals and fuzzy prime bi-Γ-hyperideals of Γ-semihypergroups», FILOMAT 31(13) (2017), 4167-4183. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
53. K. Hila, K. Naka, “Ternary semihypergroups characterized by fuzzy bi-hyperideals”, UTILITAS MATHEMATICA 102(2017), 299-320. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
52. S. Abdullah, K. Hila, W.S. Al. Shammakh, M. Naeem, “Applications of soft intersection sets in Γ-near-rings”, ANNALS OF FUZZY MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, Vol. 12 (2016), No. 3, 431-447.
51. K. Kikina, L. Gjoni, K. Hila, ”Quasi-2-normed spaces and some fixed point theorems”, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCES Vol. 10(2016), No. 2, 469-474. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
50. P. Petro, K. Hila, J. Dine, “On relation Qγ in le-Γ-semigroups”, FILOMAT 30(2016), no. 5, 1127-1134. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
49. F. Yousafzai, W. Khan, A. Khan, K. Hila, “Interval-valued fuzzy set theory applied on po-LA-semigroups”, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA, 27 (2016), No. 1, 23-35. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
48. S. Abdullah, M. Aslam, K. Hila, “On interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets in Γ-semihypergroups”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS (SPRINGER VERLAG), Vol. 7(2) (2016), 217-228. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
47. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, J. Dine, “On intuitionistic fuzzy hyperideals in Γ-semihypergroups through left operator semihypergroup”, UTILITAS MATHEMATICA, 100(2016), 277-297. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
46. B.A. Ersoy, S. Onar, B. Davvaz, K. Hila, “Structure of idealistic fuzzy soft Γ-near-ring”, UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, Vol. 77(2015), No. 3, 15-28 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
45. K. Hila, L. Kikina, B. Davvaz, “Intuitionistic fuzzy hyperideal extensions of semihypergroups”, THAI JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Vol. 13(2015), No. 2, 293-307. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
44. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On the structure of quasi-hyperideals and bi-hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA, 26 (2015), No. 7, 1573-1591. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
43. F. Yousafzai, K. Hila, P. Corsini, A. Zeb, “Existence of non-associative algebraic hyper-structures and related problems”, AFRIKA MATEMATIKA, 26 (2015), No. 5, 981-995. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
42. K. Hila, B.A. Ersoy, S. Onar, B. Davvaz “On generalized rough (m,n)-bi-Γ-hyperideals in Γ-semihypergroups“, UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, Vol. 77(2015), no. 2, 93-104. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION),
41. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On some special classes of hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, UTILITAS MATHEMATICA 98(2015), 97-112. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
40. S. Abdullah, K. Hila, M. Aslam, "A new generalization of fuzzy bi-ideals in semigroups and its applications in fuzzy finite state machines ", JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 24(2015), No. 5-6, 599-623. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
39. V. Amjad, K. Hila, F. Yousafzai, “Generalized hyperideals in locally associative left almost semihypergroups”, NEW YORK JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 20 (2014), 1063-1076. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
38. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On Green’s equivalences in Γ-groupoids”, MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES, Vol. 15 (2014), No. 2, 489–496. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
37. K. Hila, B. Davvaz, “An introduction to the theory of algebraic multi-hyperring spaces”, ANALELE UNIV. “OVIDIUS” DIN CONSTANTA, MATH. SERIES Vol. 22(3) (2014), 59-72. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
36. S. Kar, P. Sarkar, K. Hila, “Interval-valued semiprime fuzzy ideals of semigroups“, ADVANCES IN FUZZY SYSTEMS(NEW YORK), Vol. 2014, Article ID 842471, 10 pages. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
35. K. Hila, J. Dine, “A note on 20-strongly regular Γ-semigroups, ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES (AGG) (Florida, USA), Vol. 31 (2014), no. 4, 363-374. (SCOPUS)
34. K. Hila, B. Davvaz, K. Naka, “On hyperideal structure of ternary semihypergroups”, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND INFORMATICS, Vol. 9(2014), No. 1, pp 81-98. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
33. K. Hila, “Some results on prime radical in ordered Γ-semigroups”, MATHEMATICAL REPORTS, 16(66), 2 (2014), 253-270. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
32. K. Hila, T. Vougiouklis, K. Naka, “On the structure of soft m-ary semihypergroups”, UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, Vol. 76(2014), no. 4, 91-106. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
31. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, “A study on intuitionistic fuzzy sets in Γ-semihypergroups”, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND FUZZY SYSTEMS, 26 (2014) 1695–1710. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
30. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On the structure of Green’s relations in BQ-Γ-semigroups”, ANALELE ŞTIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITĂŢII ''AL.I.CUZA'' DIN IAŞI, Tomul LX (2014), f.1, 201-210, (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
29. K. Hila, B. Davvaz, K. Naka, J. Dine, “Regularity in terms of hyperideals”, CHINESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS(NEW YORK), Vol. 2013, Article ID 167037, 4 pages.
28. K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, B. Davvaz “On generalized intuitionistic fuzzy subhyperalgebras of Boolean Hyperalgebras“, JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS (SPRINGER VERLAG), 2013, 2013:501. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
27. B.A. Ersoy, S. Onar, K. Hila, B. Davvaz, “Some properties of Intuitionistic fuzzy soft ring”, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS (NEW YORK), Vol. 2013, Article ID 650480, 8 pages. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
26. K. Hila, K. Naka, V. Leoreanu-Fotea, S. Sadiku, “Algebraic hyperstructure of soft sets associated to ternary semihypergroups”, ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, No. 30 (2013), 349-372. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
25. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On Green's relations, -regularity and quasi-ideals in Γ-semigroups”, ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA, ENGLISH SERIES (SPRINGER VERLAG), 29(2013), No. 3, 609-624, (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
24. K. Naka, K. Hila, “Some properties of hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, MATHEMATICA SLOVACA, 63 (2013), No. 3, 449–468. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
23. K. Hila, E. Pisha, “On Lattice-ordered Rees matrix Γ-semigroups”, ANALELE ŞTIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITĂŢII ''AL.I.CUZA'' DIN IAŞI, Vol. LIX (2013), f.1, 209-218. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
22. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On fuzzy sub-hyperspaces of hypervector spaces”, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, TRANSACTION A: SCIENCE, IJST (2013) A2: 103-108 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
21. N. Yaqoob, M. Aslam, K. Hila, “Rough fuzzy hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, ADVANCES IN FUZZY SYSTEMS (NEW YORK), Vol. 2012, Article ID 595687, 9 pages. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
20. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On pure hyperradical in semihypergroups”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (NEW YORK), Volume 2012, Article ID 876919, 7 pages, 2012. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
19. S. Abdullah, K. Hila M. Aslam, “On bi-Γ-hyperideals in Γ-semihypergroups”, UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, Vol. 74 (2012), no. 4, 79-90. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION).
18. Faisal, N. Yaqoob, K. Hila, “On fuzzy (2;2)-regular ordered Γ-AG**-Groupoids", UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, Vol. 74 (2012), no. 2, 87-104 (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
17. K. Hila, B. Davvaz, J. Dine, “Study on the structure of Γ-semihypergroups”, COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA (USA) 40:8(2012), 2932-2948. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
16. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On hyperideals in left almost semihypergroups”, ISRN ALGEBRA (NEW YORK), Vol. 2011, Article ID 953124, 9 pages.
15. K. Hila, E. Pisha, “Generalized ideal elements in le-Γ-semigroups”, COMMUNICATIONS OF KOREAN MATH. SOC. 26(2011), no. 3, 373-384. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
14. K. Hila, B. Davvaz, K. Naka, “On quasi-hyperideals in semihypergroups”, COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA (USA) 39:11(2011), 4183-4194. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
13. K. Hila, J. Dine, “Study on the structure of periodic Γ-semigroups”, MATHEMATICAL REPORTS 13(63), 3 (2011), 271-284. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
12. K.Hila, E. Pisha, “On bi-ideals on ordered Γ-semigroups I”, HACETTEPE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 40(6) (2011), 793-804. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
11. K. Hila, “Filters in ordered Γ-semigroups”, ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS (USA), Vol. 41 (2011), no. 1, 189-203. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
10. K. Hila, «On Quasi-prime, Weakly Quasi-prime Left Ideals in ordered Γ-semigroups», MATHEMATICA SLOVACA 60(2) (2010), 195-212. (ISI JOURNAL CITATION)
9. K. Hila, “On fuzzy relation and fuzzy quotient Γ-groups”, QUASIGROUPS AND RELATED SYSTEMS, Vol. 16(2)(2008), 199-206. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
8. K. Hila, “On regular, semiprime and quasi-reflexive Γ-semigroup and minimal quasi-ideals”, LOBACHEVSKII JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS (SPRINGER VERLAG), Vol. 29(2008), No. 3, 141-152. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
7. K. Hila, “On normal elements and normal closure in ve-Γ-semigroups”, ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES (AGG) (USA) 25 (2008), No. 1, 93-108. (SCOPUS)
6. K. Hila, “Bands of Weakly r-Archimedean Ordered Γ-Semigroups”, INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL FORUM, 3(2008), no. 22, 1069 – 1086
5. K. Hila, “On some classes of le-Γ-semigroups”, ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES (AGG) (USA), 24(2007), 485-496. (SCOPUS)
4. K. Hila, “On Green relation H on le-Γ-semigroups” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED MATHEMATICS (IJPAM), Vol. 35(4)(2007 ), 551-557. (SCOPUS)
3. K. Hila, “Characterizations on regular le-Γ-semigroups”, MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL (USA) 10(5) (2006), 121-130
2. K. Hila, E. Pisha, “Characterizations on ordered Γ-semigroups”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED MATHEMATICS (IJPAM), Vol. 28(3)(2006),423-440. (SCOPUS).
1. K. Hila, “Some elements and Green’s relation H in le-Γ-semigroups”, FAR EAST JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (FJMS), Vol. 21(2)(2006), 153-161. (SCOPUS).
1. P. Karajani, K. Hila
“Algjebra Lineare 1”(Linear Algebra 1), SHBLU, Tiranë 2000 (2004), ISBN 99927-0-332-6.
2. P. Karajani, K. Hila
“Algjebra Lineare 2”(Linear Algebra 2), SHBLU, Tiranë 2001 (2006), ISBN 99927-0-390-3.
3. K. Hila, J. Dine
“Teori e Numrave”(Number Theory), SHBLU, Tirane 2002 (2005, 2008, 2013). ISBN 99927-0-199-4
4. P. Karajani, K. Hila, J. Dine
“Didaktika e Koncepteve paramatematikore” (Didactic of Preliminary Mathematical Notions), SHBLU, Tiranë 2004. ISBN 99927-0-288-5
1. K. Hila, “Workshop on Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra I”, Ioannina 4-9 September 2006 (Greece)(as participant).
2. K. Hila, “Vlora Conference on Algebra, Coding Theory, and Cryptography”,
Vlora, Albania, May 26-27, 2007 (as participant).
3. K. Hila, 13th PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, 28-29 May 2010, Ioannina, Greece.(as participant)
45. M. Y. Abbasi, K. Hila, S. A. Khan, A. Raza, “Some properties of generalized lateral hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, 8th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES 2021 (ICFAS2021), 19-21 October 2021 ANTALYA, TURKEY.
44. K. Naka, K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, “Study of Γ-hyperrings by fuzzy hyperideals with respect to a t-norm ”, 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ALGEBRAIC HYPERSTRUCTURES AND ITS APPLICATIONS (AHA2017), July 24-27, 2017, ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
43. K. Naka, K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, “On an algebra of fuzzy m-ary semihypergroups”, 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ALGEBRAIC HYPERSTRUCTURES AND ITS APPLICATIONS (AHA2017), July 24-27, 2017, ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
42. K. Naka, K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, “The embedding of an ordered semihypergroup in terms of fuzzy sets”, 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ALGEBRAIC HYPERSTRUCTURES AND ITS APPLICATIONS (AHA2017), July 24-27, 2017, ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
41. K. Naka, K. Hila, L. Gjoni, “On some structure spaces in Γ-semihypergroups”, 15TH PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, May 27-29, 2016, HERAKLION, UNIVERSITY OF CRETE, GREECE.
40. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On a generalization of prime hyperideals of commutative hyperrings”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “MATHEMATICS DAYS IN TIRANA”(MDT2015), December 11-12, 2015, TIRANA, ALBANIA.
39. B.A. Ersoy, S. Onar, K. Hila, B. Davvaz, "A New Study on Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subhyperalgebras of Boolean Hyperalgebras", 2ND INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS (IECMSA-2013), August 26–29, 2013, SARAJEVO, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA.
38. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On generalised quasi (bi)-hyperideals of ternary semihypergroups”, 1ST INTERNATIONAL WESTERN BALKAN CONFERENCE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (IWBCMS), May 30- June 1, 2013, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
37. K. Hila, I. Vardhami, K. Gjino, “On the topological structures on Γ-semirings”, 1ST ANNUAL INTERNAТIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE, April 24-26, 2013, AZORES ISLANDS, PORTUGAL.
36. K. Hila, K. Naka “Ternary semihypergroups characterized by a class of fuzzy hyperideals”, 1ST VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED RESEARCH IN SCIENTIFIC AREAS (ARSA-2012), December 3 - 7, 2012, SLOVAKIA.
35. B. A. Ersoy, S. Onar, B. Davvaz and K. Hila, “Intuitonistic fuzzy soft ring”, THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS -ICMA 2012 November 1-3, 2012, TIMIȘOARA, ROMANIA.
34. S. Abdullah, K. Hila, “Generalized Fuzzy Bi-hyperideals in Semihypergroups”, 1ST INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS (IECMSA), September 03-07, 2012, PRISHTINE, KOSOVO
33. K. Hila, S. Sadiku, K. Naka, “Algebraic hyperstructure of soft sets associated to ternary semihypergroups”, 1ST INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS (IECMSA), September 03-07, 2012, PRISHTINE, KOSOVO.
32. K. Hila, A. Sh. Shabani, “On topological structure on ternary semihyperrings”, 1ST INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS (IECMSA), September 03-07, 2012, PRISHTINE, KOSOVO.
31. K. Hila, J. Dine, I. Vardhami, “On topological structure of semihyperrings”, SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2012”, August 29-31, 2012, SKOPIA, FYROM.
30. K. Hila, S. Onar, B.A. Ersoy, B. Davvaz “Characterizations of generalized fuzzy subhyperalgebras of Boolean Hyperalgebras”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND ALGEBRA (ICAAA2012)”, June 22-24, 2012 in ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
29. K. Hila, B.A. Ersoy, S. Onar, B. Davvaz “On generalized rough (m,n)-bi-hyperideals in semihypergroups”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND ALGEBRA (ICAAA2012)”, June 22-24, 2012 in ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
27. M. Aslam, S. Abdullah, K. Hila, “On interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets in Γ-semihypergroups”, FIFTH SAUDI SCIENCE CONFERENCE, April 16-18, 2012, MAKKAH, SAUDI ARABIA
26. S. Abdullah, M. Aslam, M. Naeem, K. Hila “Soft Intersection Γ‐nearrings and Its Applications”, THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES-ICM2012, March 11-14, 2012, UAEU, DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.
25. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On prime fuzzy bi-hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, NATIONAL CONFERENCE “ADVANCED STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY ENGENEERING”, 28 October 2011, TIRANA, ALBANIA.
24. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On fuzzy hyperideals in hyperrings with respect to a t-norm”, NATIONAL CONFERENCE “ADVANCED STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY ENGENEERING”, 28 October 2011, TIRANA, ALBANIA.
23. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On quasi-hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, SIXTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2011”, September 1-4, 2011, PRISHTINA, KOSOVO.
22. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On T-fuzzy hyperideals of hyperrings”, SIXTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2011”, September 1-4, 2011, PRISHTINA, KOSOVO.
21. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, “Quasi-Γ-hyperideals in Γ-semihypergroups”, 12TH INTERNATIONAL PURE MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE, July 29-31, 2011, ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN.
20. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, “On topological structure on semihypergroups”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ICTA), July 4-10, 2011. COMSATS, Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN.
19. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On Fuzzy Sub-Hyperspaces of Hypervector Spaces “INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND ALGEBRA (ICAAA2011)”, June 29-30 and July 1-2, 2011 in ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
18. K. Hila, A. Gilani, “On fuzzy subsets in Γ-semihypergroup through left operator semihypergroup“ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND ALGEBRA (ICAAA2011)”, June 29-30 and July 1-2, 2011 in ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
17. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On intra-regular semihypergroups through intuitionistic fuzzy sets”, 1ST INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING İN INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATİCS 2011 (ISCIM 2011), June 2-4, 2011, TIRANA-DURRES, ALBANIA.
16. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On hyperideals and their topologies in left almost semihypergroups”, 1ST INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING İN INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATİCS 2011 (ISCIM 2011), June 2-4, 2011, TIRANA-DURRES, ALBANIA.
15. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On pure hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, 1ST INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING İN INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATİCS 2011 (ISCIM 2011), June 2-4, 2011, TIRANA-DURRES, ALBANIA.
14. S. Abdullah, K. Hila, M. Aslam, “On bi-Γ-hyperideals in Γ-semihypergroups”, 6TH SYMPOSIUM ON “COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITIES, INNOVATIONS AND SOLUTIONS (CCIS)", May 09-10, 2011, ABBOTTABAD, PAKISTAN.
13. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, “On intuitionistic fuzzy sets in Γ-semihypergroups”, 6TH SYMPOSIUM ON “COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITIES, INNOVATIONS AND SOLUTIONS (CCIS)", May 09-10, 2011, ABBOTTABAD, PAKISTAN.
12. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On pure hyperradical in semihypergroups with zero”, FIFTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2010”, 2-5 September 2010, TIRANA, ALBANIA.
11. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On regular ternary semihypergroups”, FIFTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2010”, 2-5 September 2010, TIRANA, ALBANIA.
10. K. Hila, K. Naka, J. Dine, "On regular algebraic hypersystems", FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 14-15 May 2010, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
9. K. Hila, K. Naka, "On lateral hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups", FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 14-15 May 2010, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
8. K. Hila, “Band congruences of t-Archimedean ordered Γ-semigroups”, FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2009”, 1-2 September 2009, TETOVO, FYROM.
7. K. Hila, J. Dine, “Green’s relations in periodic Γ-semigroups”, FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2009”, 1-2 September 2009, TETOVO, FYROM.
6. P. Petro, J. Dine, E. Pasku, K. Hila, "The relation Qγ in le-Γ-semigroups", THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 15-16 May 2009, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
5. K. Hila, J. Dine, "On Green's relations in BQ-Γ-semigroups", THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 15-16 May 2009, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
4. K. Hila, K. Naka, "On minimal and maximal quasi-ideals in ordered Γ-semigroups", THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 15-16 May 2009, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
3. K. Hila, “Algebra of polar subsets of an ordered semigroup”, THIRD INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE “IASH 2008”, 1-2 September 2008, TIRANA, ALBANIA.
2. K. Hila, “Bands of Weakly r-Archimedean Ordered Γ-Semigroups”, SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 1-2 July 2008, ELBASAN, ALBANIA.
18. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On a generalization of prime hyperideals of commutative hyperrings”, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “MATHEMATICS DAYS IN TIRANA”(MDT2015), December 11-12, 2015, Tirana, Albania, 39-47. ISBN: 978-9928-4329-0-2
17. K. Hila, I. Vardhami, K. Gjino, “On the topological structures on Γ-semirings”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST ANNUAL INTERNAТIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE, April 24-26, 2013, Azores Islands, Portugal, Egalite(European Scientific Institute Publishing), Vol. 3., pp.17-30, June 2013, ISBN 978-608-4642-05-3
16. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On generalised quasi(bi)-hyperideals of ternary semihypergroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL WESTERN BALKAN CONFERENCE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (IWBCMS), May 30- June 1, 2013, Elbasan, Albania, Edit. A. Tato, E. Savaş, N. Braha, pp. 27-45. ISBN 978-9928-115-27-0
15. K. Hila, K. Naka “Ternary semihypergroups characterized by a class of fuzzy hyperideals”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN THE ADVANCED RESEARCH IN SCIENTIFIC AREAS (ARSA-2012), December 3 - 7, 2012, EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Slovak Republic. Edit. Ing. Michal Mokryš, Ing. Anton Lieskovský, Ph.D., pp. 1468-1473, ISBN: 978-80-554-0606-0, ISSN: 1338-9831
14. K. Hila, J. Dine, K. Naka, “Soft m-ary Semihypergroups, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: THEIR APPLICATION IN ECONOMY" (ISTI2012), June 8-9, 2012, Tirana, Albania, Edit. K. Sevrani, pp. 64 (2012). ISBN:978-9995-6377-8-1
13. S. Abdullah, M. Aslam, M. Naeem, K. Hila, “Soft Intersection Γ‐nearrings and Its Applications”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES-ICM2012, March 11-14, 2012, UAEU, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Edit. Philippe Poulin (Tome I), pp. 615-636 (2012).
12. K. Naka, K. Hila, “On quasi-hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE IASH 2011, 1-4 September 2011, Prishtina, KOSOVO, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTE ALB-SHKENCA (SPECIAL ISSUE) Vol. V(2012), Nr. 3, 331-342, ISSN 2073-2244.
11. K. Hila, S. Abdullah, “On topological structure on semihypergroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ICTA2011) (Islamabad, Pakistan, July 4-10, 2011). Cambridge Scientific Publishers (2012), Edit. A. V. Arhangel’ skii, M. ud D. Khan, L. D.R. Kocinac, pp. 221-229. ISBN 978-1-908106-17-9
10. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On pure hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF 1ST INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING İN INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATİCS 2011 (ISCIM 2011), June 2-4, 2011, Tirana-Durres, Albania. 582-598. ISBN: 978-9928-4044-8-0
9. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On hyperideals and their topologies in left almost semihypergroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF 1ST INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING İN INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATİCS 2011 (ISCIM 2011), June 2-4, 2011, Tirana-Durres, Albania, 569-581. ISBN: 978-9928-4044-8-0
8. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On intra-regular semihypergroups through intuitionistic fuzzy sets”, PROCEEDINGS OF 1ST INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING İN INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATİCS 2011 (ISCIM 2011), June 2-4, 2011, Tirana-Durres, Albania, 555-568, ISBN: 978-9928-4044-8-0
7. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On regular ternary semihypergroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE IASH 2010, 2-5 September 2010, Tirana, ALBANIA, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTE ALB-SHKENCA (SPECIAL ISSUE) Vol. IV(2011), Nr. 3, 551-560, ISSN 2073-2244.
6. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On lateral hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups” PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 14-15 May 2010, Elbasan, Albania. ALBANIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES (AJNTS) (SPECIAL ISSUE) 28(2010), No. 2, 79-92. ISSN 2074-0867.
5. K. Hila, K. Naka, “On minimal and maximal quasi-ideals in ordered Γ-semigroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2009, 15-16 May 2009, Elbasan, Albania, 29-45. ISBN 978-99956-838-1-8.
4. K. Hila, J. Dine, “On Green’s relations in BQ-Γ-semigroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2009, 15-16 May 2009, Elbasan, Albania, 68-80. ISBN 978-99956-838-1-8.
3. K. Hila, J. Dine, “Green’s relations in periodic Γ-semigroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE IASH 2009, 1-2 September 2009, Tetovo, FYROM, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTE ALB-SHKENCA (SPECIAL ISSUE) Vol. III(2009), Nr. 1, 88-93, ISSN 2073-2244.
2. K. Hila, “Filters in ordered Γ-semigroups”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2008, Elbasan, Albania, 1-2 July 2008, 49-68. ISBN 978-99956-838-1-8.
1. K. Hila, “Algebra of polar subsets of an ordered semigroup”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING OF “ALB-SHKENCA” INSTITUTE IASH 2008, Tirana 1-3 September 2008, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTE ALB-SHKENCA (SPECIAL ISSUE) Vol. II(2008), Nr. 3, 131-140, ISSN 2073-2244.